
We love to share our knowledge with the community. Below you can find our recent talks and presentations. For more videos and content be sure to follow our YouTube channel

Recent Talks

MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)
MIT's CryptoEconSys (Mar 2020)

Academic Papers

Economic Games as Estimators, 2020
From Curved Bonding to Configuration Spaces, 2019
Foundations of Cryptoeconomic Systems, 2019
Economic Games as Estimators, 2020
From Curved Bonding to Configuration Spaces, 2019