We want a different world

Regulation through code will change our societies tremendously. The most obvious change among others will be moving from ex-post enforcement to ex-ante prohibition or fractional penalization/incentivisation of behaviour. We question the need for administrative law in the future as many to many contracts can now be signed efficiently. A true new social contract shall be guided by the following “The Pythiania Preamble”.

“As a result of human creativity, property has an ordering effect. This order defines and legitimises the formation of economic will. The pursuit and the concentration of property in a few hands can, however, jeopardise social cohesion and lead to an inefficient allocation of resources. Property is thus simultaneously a source of joy and sorrow. A necessary precondition for accepting this ambivalent source is that human beings are subject to the same regulating forces of creation. A sufficient prerequisite is to enable the individual human being to become independently aware of the necessary prerequisite. Pythiania has to directly and indirectly promote the acceptance of the formation of social will and its compliance. In the awareness that reason is not a free decision, Pythiania is guided by the ambiguity of property. Let Pythiania's actions be determined by the hope that self-view and external view will coincide. Let Phytiania's being embody a categorical imperative of service.”

Network instead of silos

Redefining Public Services

The Pythiania DAO aims to build, replicate, all kinds of services/dapps that exist because of public rules (e.g. accounting software) and their interdependence on privacy. Public services owned and controlled by its users.

Open Source instead of proprietary technology

Third revolution in crypto: The Internet Computer (IC)

While the key technical properties are available with the IC, we need DAOs to reflect e.g. the legal relationship of superordination and subordination. Questions like how to tackle legal acoustic separation or the maturity of smart contracts (like mirroring the principles of a constitution) need to be answered. Ultimately national sovereignty will remain, therefore governmental representation and participation should be part of the respective DAO. The IC will revolutionise the way of interaction between participants of a DAO. Immutability and user/context-related anonymity creates the possibility for professional exchange and essential communication between parties which today cannot take place. Instead of having a centralised big brother we envision „My Little Sister Is Watching Me“ securing consensus on private details.

Lower costs by efficiency

Lower costs by efficiency

Administrative public costs in the broadest sense, i.e. all costs that serve to maintain a framework-based governmental and social order (such as legislation, public administration and regulation) use enormous resources which are often inefficiently applied and are not transparent. In the long term, Pythiania’s DAO will help to make these costs more transparent and efficient, and ultimately reduce them step by step to a minimum.